Tacoma Weavers Guild

Friends Making Fabulous Fabrics

Tacoma Weavers Guild

Red Alder

Join your fellow fiber enthusiasts at the Red Alder show and class event. Taking place Feb 13 though the 16, at the Hotel Murano, Tacoma WA

Rosalie Nielson

Celebrate Valentines Day with delightful weaving teacher Rosalie Nielson who will focus on the ins and outs of Rep weave -- the weave structure that hides the weft in tightlly grouped warp threads. Oh the possibilities!

Nadine Sanders “Weaving on the Creative Edge”

St. Andrews Episcopal Church 7410 S 12th St, Tacoma, WA

Nadine weaves clothing, rugs and wall hangings with a focus on pictorial design.  She makes art quilts that combine weaving and quilting.  Writings, songs, photography, people and wilderness outings inspire her designs.  She has presented over 150 workshops, program and … Continue reading

A Weaver’s Journey: TBA

We will feature the journey of a local weaver, as well as approve the slate of new board members for the 25/26 year.

ANWG Yakima June 16-21

Join us in Yakima at the Yakima Convention Center for this entire week of seminars and workshops. We'll share our best work. learn new things, and swap loom tales at this, the best of Northwest weavers events. It only happens … Continue reading