Since 1935, the Tacoma Weavers Guild has dedicated itself to the promotion of hand weaving and related fiber arts. You’ll find us sharing our skills at demonstrations, competitions, and presentations throughout our community.
We provide hybrid online and in-person meetings on the second Friday of every month from September through June. You’ll find us in the large social hall on the lower level of St. Andrews Episcopal Church (7410 S 12th St. Tacoma, WA. 98465) just blocks from Highway 16. With free parking on the upper lot, we couldn’t be more convenient to visit!
Our meetings and additional workshops feature weaving experts of all kinds. Topics cover concepts like weave structures, fiber choice, loom maintenance, handwoven clothing, basket, wire and rug weaving.
Our members also enjoy access to an extensive lending library including books, videos, periodicals, and sample collections.
If you’ve ever wanted to know more about weaving or spinning, consider joining us. We’d love to have you join us on our fiber journey!