President’s Message – January 2025

A New Year

Another year gone by. We’ve had highlights, low moments, welcomed new weavers, said sad goodbyes to weaving friends. There is only one direction from here – one thread at a time. I looked for inspiration on the web and liked many of the gazillion quotes. I like this one particularly.

May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you’re wonderful, and don’t forget to make some art — write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.” – Neil Gaiman

As for me, I will keep weaving, keep trying to make art, hopefully help keep our guild moving forward. Tacoma Weavers Guild is my home guild and I treasure each member and friend.

I want to express thanks to the members who helped us get into the Arts at the Armory event, it proved a positive experience and a fund raiser for the guild. Let’s grow that – we make some awesome stuff!

ANWG 2025 is up next – Yakima in June is not far away! There are many opportunities to experience the conference – note that Registration opens in a few short weeks. Volunteers are needed for several areas (our own members Linda S and Kathy M are the coordinators) and the Fashion Show is hoping for your garments! (I’m co-chair….) Let’s make it a good event. All classes are listed on the website, and you can view them by weaving level as well as title.

Looking forward to seeing all of you soon, and hearing Robyn Spady talk to us about Color & Texture!


Mimi Anderson, President