President’s Message February 2025


Cold and clear, or blustery, windy, and maybe snowy!

And one month of 2025 gone. Only 4 months to ANWG in Yakima!

I hope you are enjoying these days of mostly indoor activities, and that the loom or the wheel, is a place to be, often.

Today I am finishing a warp on one loom. It’s been a challenge, and I have learned a lot. I accidently put on a warp (12 yards – what was I thinking?) with twice the density I needed. This was a new structure for me, picked up last summer at Complex Weavers of using a plaited twill as tie downs and another plaited twill used to create a Fractal design. (I may be making this up….!). I will not be putting the 12 yards piled on the floor behind the loom onto the loom any time soon! This warp has caused me to be creative, but I’ll be happy to move on. Next up a narrow warp for the CW Award ribbons. My other loom will soon be warped to weave a scarf in ANWG colors. Each loom has another project or two slated to be woven before mid-May, so I keep busy!

Love you all!

Happy weaving.


Mimi Anderson, TWG President 2024-2025

President’s Message – January 2025

A New Year

Another year gone by. We’ve had highlights, low moments, welcomed new weavers, said sad goodbyes to weaving friends. There is only one direction from here – one thread at a time. I looked for inspiration on the web and liked many of the gazillion quotes. I like this one particularly.

May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you’re wonderful, and don’t forget to make some art — write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.” – Neil Gaiman

As for me, I will keep weaving, keep trying to make art, hopefully help keep our guild moving forward. Tacoma Weavers Guild is my home guild and I treasure each member and friend.

I want to express thanks to the members who helped us get into the Arts at the Armory event, it proved a positive experience and a fund raiser for the guild. Let’s grow that – we make some awesome stuff!

ANWG 2025 is up next – Yakima in June is not far away! There are many opportunities to experience the conference – note that Registration opens in a few short weeks. Volunteers are needed for several areas (our own members Linda S and Kathy M are the coordinators) and the Fashion Show is hoping for your garments! (I’m co-chair….) Let’s make it a good event. All classes are listed on the website, and you can view them by weaving level as well as title.

Looking forward to seeing all of you soon, and hearing Robyn Spady talk to us about Color & Texture!


Mimi Anderson, President

President’s Message – December 2024

I love this time of year in the Northwest. I’m sitting in my studio, alternating weaving with working at the computer, listening to my favorite holiday music. Familiar traditional songs, and oddball songs I’ve just come across. – Like John Pardi’s Marry Christmas from the Keys. Not the place I’d want to be for the holidays – I’ll take grey days and rain — ( and maybe snow?) I love all the beautiful holiday lights, brightening our evenings and nights!

I’m so happy that TWG members will participate in the Arts at the Armory next week – hope the reception to handwoven and hand created textiles is well received! It is great exposure.

Don’t forget to bring donations for the warm clothing drive.

I’ve been side-tracked from my “donut shaped double weave” project (still working on it) and ended up excited about weaving a tied weave, where the initial plaited twill block becomes the ties, and the result is a double design – essentially a fractal. The drawback is that this is a two shuttle weave, so slow. I think it has taken about 5 solid hours to weave one towel. But they are so cool!

I will be on Zoom for our December gathering. Will miss you all and hope you enjoy the Holiday Potluck Lunch sharing, and the card exchange.

Warmest wishes for the Holiday Season!


Mimi Anderson, TWG President 24-25

Warm Clothing Drive

Last year, as a community service, members were invited to knit or weave warm clothing to donate to charity.   Members enjoyed having a project to do in their leisure time.   It just so happened that our host church was preparing for their holiday events and could make good use of our donation to help those in need locally.  Hats, scarves, mittens, headbands, cowls, all are welcome. 

Bring your donations to the December Holiday Party.

2024 Holiday Card Exchange

It is time for the ANNUAL  HOLIDAY CARD EXCHANGE!   For many years our Guild has had the tradition of a holiday card exchange.  This is one card  sent to one person.   The cards are usually hand made, whether woven, painted, embroidered, or computer art.   This is an optional activity but you are encouraged to participate.  

Usually we sign up at the November meeting, and I draw names to assign who you send a card to.  With Thanksgiving being later in the month than usual, I will promise to notify each participant of their person to send a card to by Thanksgiving eve.    

If you do not attend the November meeting in person, you call or email Linda Stryker by November 26th to get on the exchange list. 

Cards should be in the mail by December 1st, in order for them to reach their destination in time for the December TWG meeting.  Bring the cards to the meeting and we will enjoy them during show and tell.    Call Linda Stryker if you have any questions. 

Examples of some of last year’s cards are on the Gallery Page.

President’s Message

October, 2024

The fall weather is sliding into place, cooler days and nights.  I’m looking forward to getting a project on my loom.  Deciding what it is to be is always the hardest part. 

I’m thinking of trying a amalgamation draft, using the Amagalmation tool on  I belong to a Complex Weavers study group, requiring a sample exchange for more than 17 shafts.  I want to weave this draft, #36383, which is on 18 shafts.  I might try it in conference colors.   

If you have not tried this tool, it is really fun.  There is a video tutorial on that helps you through the process.  And YES – this can be done on 8 shafts.  Check it out. 


I recently heard an interesting historical tidbit.  Did any of you have older brothers – or maybe even younger brothers who played with the construction building toy – the Erector Set?  I loved it when my older brothers would let me join them and screw something together on whatever they were making.  I just learned that this toy – for boys – was first made by Structo.  The company was persuaded to design a toy for girls also.  Guess what that was — the Structo Loom! 

I am looking forward to our fall programs and for what we come up with as collaborations.  It might be as simple as working with another member to add embellishment onto a weaving.  It could be sharing a yarn source with another member and each coming up with a unique but related weaving.  It would be fun to use the conference colors.  Let’s collaborate! 


Mimi Anderson, 2024/2025 President

President’s Message:

September 2024

Hello fellow members of Tacoma Weavers Guild. I hope you have enjoyed your summer activities and are looking forward to the new guild year as much as I am.

We are entering the 89th year of our guild’s existence! Margaret Bergman founded TWG in 1935, and we’ve been going strong ever since.

Last spring, at our final meeting of the year – a wonderful picnic at the home of Janet Stanley, we approved some by-laws changes to be compliant with Washington State guidelines.

Our fall line-up includes Yvonne Ellsworth speaking about use of color, and teaching a class on two-heddle rigid heddle weaving. We will also have Mary Lane, a tapestry weaver from Olympia, Robyn Spady, and lots of other great speakers and classes.

We also have a team in place to demonstrate at the Fair, both the Sheep to Shawl day (we’re on the 9th) and a 4 x 4 demo day on the 20th. Thank you to the volunteers who are participating in this important outreach activity. We will savor the shawl all year, and hold our raffle in June. The C.A.M.E.L. will be available at the September meeting. Remember, that means Creative Approach to Mobile Experience Learning!

We have a few positions open for guild participation, the jobs for Study Groups and Ways and Means are OPEN. We are looking for someone who will train with our treasurer to take over when Carol moves away next year () and, many thanks to Amy Brand for agreeing to continue as Secretary.

The guild Theme for this year is: COLLABORATE! Let’s Weave a Web! We encourage you to pair with another guild member and weave something wonderful for our booth at ANWG. More details to come.

Looking forward to June, the ANWG 2025 Conference will be in Yakima. The theme is “Weaving Webs” and should inspire us to create a great guild booth display. Our own Pam Cox is leading the Guild Booths department for the Steering Committee, so we need a TWG member to start planning our booth participation.

We’re ever working on improving our TWG website so that it will be your go-to place for guild information. Stay tuned.

As most of you know, I’m not always in town, and I will very much appreciate all the help I’ll have to serve as your President.

Mimi Anderson,

President 2024/2025

June 2024 President’s Message

We are here in the home stretch of what has been a wonderful Tacoma Weavers Guild year!.  We have improved our skills, whetted our appetites for color and texture, celebrated the career of a longtime member, done community service, and supported our fellow members when needed.  

We will finish off our Guild year with our annual picnic on Friday, June 7th, at the home of Janet Stanley.  Along with the picnic, we will have a dye pot, an auction of the Shawl, a sale of our unneeded  supplies and equipment, a vote on the new Bylaws, and a vote for new officers.  We will also have an opportunity to express our thanks to the many hands that worked together for our Guild, and of course, not to forget shared food (you don’t have to share but it is nice).  

As we prepare to pause our meetings for the summer, there is still lots to stay on top of.  We have a group planning for Arts in the Armory, a December event, as well as plans for the speakers and classes for the Guild year.  Fiber Fling will take place September 28th, and we could use a few additional demonstrators at the Job Carr Park.   

Our fall line up includes Yvonne Ellsworth speaking about use of color, and teaching a class on two-heddle rigid heddle weaving.  We will also have Mary Lane, a tapestry weaver from Olympia, Robyn Spady, and lots of other great speakers and classes.  

Thank you to those who forwarded leads to where we can have our classes.  I hope to know more in the next week, but not in time for this newsletter deadline. 

Get your dues sent in, send in your consent form, and help us wrap up this year and start strong for the ’24-’25 Guild year.  

I have considered it an honor to serve as your president, and pledge to remain active in various areas of the Guild, especially Programming, and the ANWG conference.  

Linda Stryker, President

TWG President’s Message – May 2024

May Day, and we have a frost warning!   We just hum along, pursuing our favorite activities.  I am hearing lots of stories about learning opportunities our members have availed themselves to, with members and friends taking classes with Marilyn in Coupeville, with Sue and Janet on Vashon, at the BARN on Bainbridge, through other Guilds, and even attending out of town conferences held by other Guild associations.  Our quest for understanding and stimulation is strong, and we are lucky to have opportunities around us. 

Our own Guild has several opportunities – one is on May 11th for a dye workshop (Sold out) and in September for a rigid heddle workshop using two heddles at a time, conducted by Yvonne Ellsworth, a frequent contributor to Little Looms Magazine.   If you would like to attend Yvonne’s class, it will be held at Antique Sandwich, and be on the Saturday after our Guild meeting.  We will help swap around to get you two reeds of the same size if you don’t already own a pair.   Deposit of $50 is due at the May meeting.  

We have two exciting classes booked for February 15/16 and March 15/16, but we are struggling to pin down a LOCATION for the class.  Room rentals have gotten very expensive lately, and we are trying to book on a budget – my preference would be no more than $150 per day.   All of those expenses get divided up among the students in the class – and we hope to keep it reasonable for each of us.   If you have a lead on a location – church, nursing home, community building, clubhouse, please let me know.  We must have a place committed before we can contract with the instructor.  

The KITCHEN AT THE CHURCH will be off limits due to construction, so at our May meeting we will arrange things a bit differently, and may not have hot beverages.  They expect to be out of service for 4 months.    Because of the kitchen issue, we have moved the Saturday dye class to Debbie Frank’s home. Thank you Debbie for saying yes!

One of our two State Fair dates has shifted – we will have September 9th and September 20th.  Sign up with Marilyn Crosetto. 

I am really excited to hear Roberta Lowe tell us about her “Weaver’s Journey” for our program this month.  She has been an inspiration to so many.  Who would you like to hear from next spring for our weaver’s journey presentation?   We gain so much knowledge from our long-weaving friends.  

See you May 10th!

Linda Stryker

April, 2024 President’s Message

Hello my weaving friends!  

April brings us spring breaks, flowers, showers, and colorful inspiration.   Color is all around us, and this spring we will get to play a bit with color at the May warp dye workshop, and again we hope at the end-of-year picnic if Pam is able to lead us with another indigo pot.  Some guilds have a color theme chosen, and I remember TWG suggesting an orange challenge the first year I joined the Guild.   I don’t recall what Pantone color predictions are for the future, but by the time I got something going for a color trend, that ship would have sailed.  Some weavers declare that what you make should always fit you, and be colors you like, just in case it does not sell or isn’t a gift.   During and after Covid, I have appreciated some of the stash buster projects that use up dribs and drabs from cones and bobbins, or odd colors that need accompaniment to make them work.  One of my favorite towels I wove at Towelapalooza several years ago was just such a stash buster, and is very clever and frugal.  

Our speaker this month is Sarah Resnick, from GIST Yarns, talking about sourcing cotton, trends, and accessing weaving materials.   Just this week there was an article in the Seattle Times about how many US cotton mills are closing, and how that affects industry and producers. I believe the statistic was 600 mills some years ago, down to 100 now.   I once took a workshop from Mary Berend on weaving with cotton, and a number of yarns that were once plentiful are no longer being produced.  

Let us keep weaving, keep ordering from our suppliers, and continue to create demand for the raw materials that weavers need.  

Linda Stryker