Cold and clear, or blustery, windy, and maybe snowy!
And one month of 2025 gone. Only 4 months to ANWG in Yakima!
I hope you are enjoying these days of mostly indoor activities, and that the loom or the wheel, is a place to be, often.
Today I am finishing a warp on one loom. It’s been a challenge, and I have learned a lot. I accidently put on a warp (12 yards – what was I thinking?) with twice the density I needed. This was a new structure for me, picked up last summer at Complex Weavers of using a plaited twill as tie downs and another plaited twill used to create a Fractal design. (I may be making this up….!). I will not be putting the 12 yards piled on the floor behind the loom onto the loom any time soon! This warp has caused me to be creative, but I’ll be happy to move on. Next up a narrow warp for the CW Award ribbons. My other loom will soon be warped to weave a scarf in ANWG colors. Each loom has another project or two slated to be woven before mid-May, so I keep busy!
Love you all!
Happy weaving.

Mimi Anderson, TWG President 2024-2025