Here we go…….On the rollercoaster of our guild year. Imagine the summer was maintenance on the roller coaster ride, and now we are loading into our little cars, and climbing the first incline with the clacking and the nerves, and then WHOOOOSH – our Guild year starts the exciting ride, with twists, turns, and exhilaration. (OK, maybe I am thinking too much about the Washington State Fair with this metaphor), but I certainly do think that a vigorous kick off to our new Guild year is just ahead.
BOARD ACTIVITY: The Board and committee chairs met virtually on Tuesday, August 29th, and here are some of their discussion notes:
GUILD BUDGET – Carol Thompson is pleased about two things – our audit of last years’ books was completed and things are in good shape. She also presented to the board the proposed budget for this Guild year, and it was endorsed by the board, and will be presented to the members at the meeting.
BYLAWS CHANGES: The State of Washington is asking each 501©3 nonprofit to make some changes in their governance, and I will be asking for a small group to evaluate this in an ad hoc fashion. If any of our membership is related to a lawyer who could polish things up for us, we would most appreciate it. Please submit your names to me. I don’t do legalese very well, but we have some nice input from a neighbor Guild.
JOB CARR FIBER FEST – On Saturday, September 30th, we will host a booth at the Job Carr event, to promote the Tacoma Weavers’ Guild. I will have an awning, and we can demo anything we want that would promote our Guild. It can be a participatory demo or solo, up to the weaver’s choice. I plan to staff the booth from 10:00 – 2:00 and would love some company. Karen Haas will be there in her storyteller historian role.
WASHINGTON STATE FAIR – Marilyn Crosetto is once again our coordinator for both the Sheep to Shawl on September 11th, and the 4 X 4 day on September 21st. She has mailed parking and admission materials to her participants on record. Please contact her if any questions.
PRINTED DIRECTORY RETURNS! We have been encouraging all renewing members to get their information and dues current in order to be included in our printed directory. We did not make one during Covid, and thankfully dear Mimi Anderson is diligently proofing and getting it ready to print ASAP. If you know of email changes, you moved, or you have changed phone numbers or dropped your landline, please get that information to Mimi immediately. In addition to contact info, the Directory lists upcoming programs and events, Guild officers, and other important information for our members.