Well, Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow so we are theoretically destined for an early spring. And a busy and exciting spring it will be – at least in the Tacoma Weavers Guild, and in the Pacific Northwest.
There have been lots of small group meetings going on this winter – Program committee planning for next guild year, Library committee improving their library, Bylaws committee, a membership/communication meeting to bring Karen Radcliff up to speed as the new membership chair, a parish liaison meeting with the new Pastor of St. Andrews, and of course, our TWG members who are helping with planning the ANWG 2025 conference – Bette, Mimi, Linda, Kathy, and more. For each of these efforts, I thank you, on behalf of the membership.
We have lots of great topics coming up in our programs this spring (see program article), and it is also time to start planning for a change of officers that will serve TWG next year. We are such a small guild that I know several of you have served in many positions – but we still need your wisdom and experience, so we will spread the jobs out again. Many hands make light work.
I felt bad after cancelling the in-person portion of our January meeting – as it turned out to be a sunny dry day, albeit cold. The virtual meeting went well, and you were all gracious in understanding why we had been intimidated by the weather reports of doom coming our way.
I look forward to seeing you February 9th
Linda Stryker, President