June 2024 President’s Message

We are here in the home stretch of what has been a wonderful Tacoma Weavers Guild year!.  We have improved our skills, whetted our appetites for color and texture, celebrated the career of a longtime member, done community service, and supported our fellow members when needed.  

We will finish off our Guild year with our annual picnic on Friday, June 7th, at the home of Janet Stanley.  Along with the picnic, we will have a dye pot, an auction of the Shawl, a sale of our unneeded  supplies and equipment, a vote on the new Bylaws, and a vote for new officers.  We will also have an opportunity to express our thanks to the many hands that worked together for our Guild, and of course, not to forget shared food (you don’t have to share but it is nice).  

As we prepare to pause our meetings for the summer, there is still lots to stay on top of.  We have a group planning for Arts in the Armory, a December event, as well as plans for the speakers and classes for the Guild year.  Fiber Fling will take place September 28th, and we could use a few additional demonstrators at the Job Carr Park.   

Our fall line up includes Yvonne Ellsworth speaking about use of color, and teaching a class on two-heddle rigid heddle weaving.  We will also have Mary Lane, a tapestry weaver from Olympia, Robyn Spady, and lots of other great speakers and classes.  

Thank you to those who forwarded leads to where we can have our classes.  I hope to know more in the next week, but not in time for this newsletter deadline. 

Get your dues sent in, send in your consent form, and help us wrap up this year and start strong for the ’24-’25 Guild year.  

I have considered it an honor to serve as your president, and pledge to remain active in various areas of the Guild, especially Programming, and the ANWG conference.  

Linda Stryker, President