President’s Message – November 2022

Fall is in full force right now – blustery, getting darker, rainy. I hope each of you is warm and dry and ensconced in your favorite fiber passion(s). Many of the fiber festivals and sales have happened, gardens are put to bed. This is one of my favorite seasons.

I wanted to comment on our October program – the hat maker. As I had felt last year in advance of the lacemaker program, I had been lukewarm about the idea of a speaker divergent from weaving, but as with the lacemaker, our October speaker knocked my socks off! I know that I appreciate “makers”, and although I do not aspire to take up that additional hobby or artform, I really appreciate the history and evolution of their craft. Anything combining color, fashion, texture, and bling has my utmost respect. I really enjoyed the program, and I thank the program committee for their work planning such a lovely topic.

Speaking of color and bling, I am excited to hear Jennifer Moore at our November program, and am one of the lucky ones taking her class. I had a doubleweave class from her many years ago, and she is a great teacher. I look forward to seeing the samplers we are able to create.

Linda Stryker