September 2024 President’s Message
Hello fellow members of Tacoma Weavers Guild. I hope you have enjoyed your summer activities and are looking forward to the new guild year as much as I am.
We are entering the 89th year of our guild’s existence! Margaret Bergman founded TWG in 1935, and we’ve been going strong ever since.
Last spring, at our final meeting of the year – a wonderful picnic at the home of Janet Stanley, we approved some by-laws changes to be compliant with Washington State guidelines.
Our fall line-up includes Yvonne Ellsworth speaking about use of color, and teaching a class on two-heddle rigid heddle weaving. We will also have Mary Lane, a tapestry weaver from Olympia, Robyn Spady, and lots of other great speakers and classes.
We also have a team in place to demonstrate at the Fair, both the Sheep to Shawl day (we’re on the 9th) and a 4 x 4 demo day on the 20th. Thank you to the volunteers who are participating in this important outreach activity. We will savor the shawl all year, and hold our raffle in June. The C.A.M.E.L. will be available at the September meeting. Remember, that means Creative Approach to Mobile Experience Learning!
We have a few positions open for guild participation, the jobs for Study Groups and Ways and Means are OPEN. We are looking for someone who will train with our treasurer to take over when Carol moves away next year () and, many thanks to Amy Brand for agreeing to continue as Secretary.
The guild Theme for this year is: COLLABORATE! Let’s Weave a Web! We encourage you to pair with another guild member and weave something wonderful for our booth at ANWG. More details to come.
Looking forward to June, the ANWG 2025 Conference will be in Yakima. The theme is “Weaving Webs” and should inspire us to create a great guild booth display. Our own Pam Cox is leading the Guild Booths department for the Steering Committee, so we need a TWG member to start planning our booth participation.
We’re ever working on improving our TWG website so that it will be your go-to place for guild information. Stay tuned.
As most of you know, I’m not always in town, and I will very much appreciate all the help I’ll have to serve as your President.